PHP Perspectives in 2021
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Do you know that 2020 was the 25th birthday anniversary of Hypertext Preprocessor or simply PHP? Yes, imagine that for 25 years now, people have been using and have not stopped using PHP. Let’s see why learning PHP is worth it and still relevant in 2021.

Job possibilities

First and foremost, there are many job opportunities for PHP developers in all different countries. You may see the range here. Applications are open for both offline and online positions. However, since it is a very common scripting language, there is very tough competition among job seekers. Although new scripting languages have been developed and are more popular in 2021, compared to the 2010s, developers are the ones that are needed in all technologically advanced countries.


Do you want to be a highly paid IT specialist or System Engineer? Let me show you what jobs you can do by using PHP. PHP powers and builds e-commerce manages databases such as PostgreSQL, Sybase, MySQL, and many more. Mobile applications related to the business are also worked by PHP. This programming language has been used in such platforms as Facebook, Wikipedia, Tesla to name but a few. It is easy and free to use PHP even in the combination with JavaScript. Many people may think that it is quite old and do not support modern advanced platform. However, there are also some, who are inclined towards PHP because of its significant advantages prevailing drawbacks.

PHP has the tools with which you may do crazy things, a flexible type system that allows you to incrementally improve legacy code, it’s fast enough for most uses, it continues to improve, and it has an amazing open-source community.

Line frameworks of PHP are the following: Yii, CodeIgniter, Laravel, CakePHP, and Symphony.

Laravel is the most preferred framework since you can build any kind of web application by applying it. Effective ORM makes the process of connecting to the database easier. Simple access to Internet Services by RESTful APIs. It takes more time to learn Symphony than Laravel, but once you learn it, you can take advantage of its clear structure. Symphony has enhanced security including event-based systems and authentication. Yii is the latest framework that can be used to build extensive web applications because it uses MVC architecture. CodeIgniter is used with MVC development standards and fast coding system. It is very easy to use this framework because it is supported in any web server or platform. It has high-security protection against XSS and CSRF. Also, it has simple relocation from one server to another. CakePHP is famous for the next features: easy to use as a full-stack or micro-framework, building multi-features, important web solutions, easy installment on any device, high XSS and CSRF protection

Future of PHP

PHP catches by its simplicity. May it be 2019,2020 or 2021 people always like it when they can reach out to something easily, without many-layered steps. Thanks to the release of PHP 7, the language has been modernized, it has many nice features at its base, the speed of work and ease of use has increased. This is one of the favorite ways to modernize legacy PHP code: using optional type hints to perform type conversions and also provide code documentation. In addition to the leap forward made by PHP 7 over PHP 5.6, all subsequent releases have made improvements, and this trend continues. Benchmarks by Phoronix show that the latest PHP 8 is more than three times faster than PHP 5.6. PHP 8 has been released in 2020 with the main focus on PHP performance. The major advantage of this release is outsourced development services.

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